Wondering how much of the weird shit in this movie actually happened will keep you up at night. Not all too surprising considering the fact that in addition to directing and acting in Killa Season, Mr.

He was an outstanding athlete who lost a college basketball scholarship after getting into drugs and letting his grades slip. Though the film is presented as fiction, the basics resemble the lore of Cam’s own life. The movie, for those of you who haven’t seen it yet, follows Cam’ron, aka Flea, from his days as a high school basketball star and part-time weed dealer to cocaine cowboy and cold-blooded killer. Cam’ron doesn’t give a fuck about that shit, and eight years later we shouldn’t either. Character development? Nah, son, Killa would rather count his money while freestyling.

So what if the occasional boom mic can be seen swinging through a shot? So what if it looks like it was filmed with a purple Motorola Razr? So what if there’s a sequence where two female Dominican drug mules are seen literally shitting out baggies of heroin? With these wondrous details, a plot is unnecessary. But really, that doesn’t matter-in the end all that’s left is an undeniably enjoyable film, one that can be processed and appreciated with zero irony. Part of its brilliance lies in the fact that you can never quite tell what’s intentionally funny vs. Killa Season is an undeniable cult classic, but a film doesn’t earn its spot in that particular canon overnight, nor does it happen without at least a smidge of misguided pastiche and a dash of accidental genius.